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AdTech Academy 107. Cookies

AdTech Academy

This course was developed by SSWU specialists in cooperation with AdTech Department within the project AdTech Academy.

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

Discover the crucial role of cookies in digital advertising and gain the expertise needed to optimize your campaigns and enhance user experience. Join the AdTech Academy: Cookies course and enhance your knowledge of the dynamic AdTech industry.

After this course student will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of cookies and their roles in web browsing and digital advertising.
  • Implement cookie storage and retrieval mechanisms effectively.
  • Differentiate between cookies and other web storage technologies like local storage and session storage.
  • Navigate the regulatory landscape, including GDPR and ePrivacy Directive, related to cookie usage.
  • Apply best practices for obtaining and managing user consent for cookies.
  • Utilize first-party and third-party cookies to enhance ad targeting and personalization strategies.
  • Employ privacy-preserving technologies and techniques in cookie-based tracking.
  • Adapt to industry trends and developments impacting the future of cookie usage in AdTech.

Course Program Overview

Click on the tabs to read more.

  • Introduction to Cookies
  • How Cookies Work
  • Cookies vs Local Storage
  • Law Regulations Regarding Cookies
  • AdTech-Specific Regulations and Guidelines
  • Challenges and Considerations
  • Trends and Developments

Target audience

This course is intended for anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the terminology, concepts, and ecosystem surrounding advertising technology (AdTech) and programmatic advertising.

Training Duration

Theory - 45min
Assessment - 15min